Thursday, December 29, 2005


Ever noticed how drinking affects the more savage sides of your nature. Your inhibitions go down and it can be safely stated that we become less civilized. I imagine the instances of 'one night stand' would go down considerably without "panty remover". Lets not forget those lovely people who always want to scrap when they get drunk. People talk philosophy and sound like idiots. the ability to be deep and subtle just goes away... it truly takes down the walls of our sophistication.

Some really bad choices are made as a result of booze: people drive when they shouldn't - buy things that they shouldn't, try things that they shouldn't, screw things that they shouldn't. I have woken up to an empty bank acount in the morning and been quite annoyed with myself... and also have one hell of a hangover.

So perhaps it is a bad thing...


I know that I have many great memories born on the waves of alcohol induced stupidity. Staying up all night with my buddy Chuck and singing country songs (yes - country songs) at the top of my lungs playing darts and cribbage... normally all of those things would put me to sleep but I had the time of my life. All because of my friend Bacardi and some really good cases of the giggles.

I remember walking 20 blocks to get mix for our rum in minus 40 weather with my roomate Tim. We smoked cigarettes to keep warm... it didn't work (I don't even smoke). We got the mix and were frozen when we got back to the apartment... but man we had fun doing it. And we made sure the rest of the might was worth getting the mix for. We still talk about it... and it would have been a pretty mundane night.

I once did a strip tease for a room full of people... and they liked it. Both of those things never would have happened without the booze!! ;-)

Let's not forget that some relationships are started off with alcohol as the catalyst. Some people just need that courage in a can to get a little wild. I have known some pretty good couples that started out as two drunks locking lips at a party.

I suppose that drinking is better for the person with less responsibilities. If you don't have a car, a spouse, or a lot of financial commtiments, then why not let lose. You won't have your mate leave you, you won't kill someone driving, and if you empty your bank account it doesn't really matter. The more responsibilities you have, the more responsible you are - which takes a little of the zest out of it all I suppose.

Some tips for drinking when you are MWC:
  1. Bring your spouse. It is much harder to give your morals the slip when the light of your life is next to you.
  2. Bring as much as you want to spend and your ID... leave the plastic at home.
  3. Have a designated driver or take a cab - car hunting the next morning sucks... and sometimes you may just be drunk enough to think you aren't drunk and kill someone - bad call.
  4. Have your kids somewhere else in the morning so they don't have to suffer your hangover with you.
  5. Never drink with your boss OR when you have to go to work the next day.


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