Saturday, December 31, 2005

2005 best accomplishments

I saw Cassandra Kyle's blog on her best accomplishments of 2005 and thought I had better play the copycat since that was such a good idea.

10. The Toestubbers (My Hattrick online soccer team- yeah I have a geek streak) was promoted to Division IV and I have managed to keep them there for two seasons. Check to check it out.

9. I read three (3) novels to my children

8. I did not go into debt to pay for Christmas 2005 - this is the first time i have accomplished that since I was old enough to borrow money.

7. I did not kill or unduly maim an ungrateful loser who I tried to help out when he was down on his luck. I even helped him move into a three story walk up. For that he lied to me, stabbed me in the back, and screwed me for $350.00. prick.

6. I Survived 12 month-ends at a publically traded company.

5. My wife still loves me and wants to keep me after another year of putting up with all of my faults and nuances.

4. I received a promotion at work and have learned so many things I didn't know at this time last year. I am worth a lot more to the company now than I ever was.

3. I turned part of our back lawn into a garden ready to receive seeds. My wife and oldest son and I managed this in just one day last Spring.

2. I built a Compost bin for our household's organic refuse.

1. I owe $9,200.00 less than I did this time last year.

that doesn't sound as interesting as Cassandra's, but I like my life so I wouln't change it.

Happy New Year everyone!


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